86 - Human health activities

This Chapter has been extracted from the ONS Explanatory Notes and provides a more detailed explanation of possible activities that could fall within the SIC Codes related to the Chapter.

86.1 Hospital activities

86.10 Hospital activities

86.10/1 Hospital activities

This subclass includes:
- short- or long-term hospital activities, i.e. medical, diagnostic and treatment activities, of general hospitals (e.g. community and regional hospitals, hospitals of non-profit organisations, university hospitals, military-base and prison hospitals) and specialised hospitals (e.g. mental health and substance abuse hospitals, hospitals for infectious diseases, maternity hospitals, specialised sanatoriums)

The activities are chiefly directed to inpatients, are carried out under the direct supervision of medical doctors and include:
· services of medical and paramedical staff
· services of laboratory and technical facilities, including radiologic and anaesthesiologic services
· emergency room services
· provision of operating room services, pharmacy services, food and other hospital services
· services of family planning centres providing medical treatment such as sterilisation and termination ofpregnancy, with accommodation

This class excludes:
- laboratory testing and inspection of all types of materials and products, except medical, see 71.20
- veterinary activities, see 75.00
- health activities for military personnel in the field, see 84.22
- dental practice activities of a general or specialised nature, e.g. dentistry, endodontic and pediatric dentistry; oral pathology, orthodontic activities, see 86.23
- private consultants' services to inpatients, see 86.2
- medical laboratory testing, see 86.90
- ambulance transport activities, see 86.90 - medical nursing homes, see 86.10/2
-out patients clinics, see 86.21,86.22

86.10/2 Medical nursing home activities

The activities carried out here are chiefly directed to in-patients and carried out under the direct supervision of medical doctors.

This subclass excludes:
- homes for the elderly, see 87.30

86.2 Medical and dental practice activities

This group includes medical consultation and treatment provided by general medical practitioners and medical specialists, including surgeons, dentists etc.
These activities can be carried out in private practice, group practices and in hospital outpatient clinics, and in clinics such as those attached to firms, schools, homes for the aged, labour organisations and fraternal organisations, as well as in patients' homes.

This group also includes:
- private consultants' services to inpatients

86.21 General medical practice activities

This class includes:
- medical consultation and treatment in the field of general medicine carried out by general practitioners.

This class excludes:
- inpatient hospital activities, see 86.10
- paramedical activities such as those of midwives, nurses and physiotherapists, see 86.90

86.22 Specialist medical practice activities

This class includes:
- medical consultation and treatment in the field of specialised medicine by medical specialists and surgeons

This class also includes:
- family planning centres providing medical treatment such as sterilisation and termination of pregnancy, without accommodation

This class excludes:
- inpatient hospital activities, see 86.10
- activities of midwives, physiotherapists and other paramedical practitioners, see 86.90

86.23 Dental practice activities

This class includes:
- dental practice activities of a general or specialised nature, e.g. dentistry, endodontic and pediatric dentistry; oral pathology
- orthodontic activities

This class also includes:
- dental activities in operating rooms

This class excludes:
- production of artificial teeth, denture and prosthetic appliances by dental laboratories, see 32.50
- inpatient hospital activities, see 86.10
- activities of dental paramedical personnel such as dental hygienists, see 86.90

86.9 Other human health activities

86.90 Other human health activities

This class includes:
- activities for human health not performed by hospitals or by medical doctors or dentists:
· activities of nurses, midwives, physiotherapists or other paramedical practitioners in the field ofoptometry, hydrotherapy, medical massage, occupational therapy, speech therapy, chiropody,homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture etc. These activities may be carried out in health clinics such as those attached to firms, schools, homes for The elderly, labour organisations and fraternal organisations and in residential health facilities other than hospitals, as well as in own consulting rooms, patients' homes or elsewhere.

This class also includes:
- activities of dental paramedical personnel such as dental therapists, school dental nurses and dental
hygienists, who may work remote from, but are periodically supervised by, the dentist
- activities of medical laboratories such as:
· X-ray laboratories and other diagnostic imaging centres
· blood analysis laboratories- activities of blood banks, sperm banks, transplant organ banks etc.
- ambulance transport of patients by any mode of transport including aeroplanes. These services are often provided during a medical emergency.

This class excludes:
- production of artificial teeth, denture and prosthetic appliances by dental laboratories, see 32.50
- transfer of patients, with neither equipment for lifesaving nor medical personnel, see divisions 49, 50, 51
- non-medical laboratory testing, see 71.20
- testing activities in the field of food hygiene, see 71.20
- hospital activities, see 86.10
- medical and dental practice activities, see 86.2
- residential nursing care facilities, see 87.10


For all queries related to this Chapter or any other aspect of SIC Codes, please contact the Office of National Statistics on 01329 444970 or email classifications.helpdesk@ons.gov.uk.