

02 - Forestry and logging

This Chapter has been extracted from the ONS Explanatory Notes and provides a more detailed explanation of possible activities that could fall within the SIC Codes related to the Chapter.

This division includes the production of roundwood as well as the extraction and gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products. Besides the production of timber, forestry activities result in products that undergo little processing, such as firewood, charcoal and roundwood used in an unprocessed form (e.g. pit-props, pulpwood etc.). These activities can be carried out in natural or planted forests.Excluded is further processing of wood beginning with sawmilling and planning of wood, see division 16.

02.1 Silviculture and other forestry activities

02.10 Silviculture and other forestry activities

This class includes:
- growing of standing timber: planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts
- growing of coppice, pulpwood and fire wood
- operation of forest tree nurseries

These activities can be carried out in natural or planted forests.

This class excludes:
- growing of Christmas trees, see 01.29
- operation of tree nurseries, except for forest trees, see 01.30
- gathering of mushrooms and other wild growing non-wood forest products, see 02.30
- production of wood chips and particles, see 16.10

02.2 Logging

02.20 Logging

This class includes:
- production of roundwood for forest-based manufacturing industries
- production of roundwood used in an unprocessed form such as pit-props, fence posts and utility poles
- gathering and production of wood for energy
- gathering and production of forest harvesting residues for energy
- production of charcoal in the forest (using traditional methods)

The output of this activity can take the form of logs or fire wood.

This class excludes:
- growing of Christmas trees, see 01.29
- growing of standing timber: planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts, see 02.10
- gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products, see 02.30
- production of wood chips and particles, see 16.10
- production of charcoal through distillation of wood, see 20.14

02.3 Gathering of wild growing non-wood products

02.30 Gathering of wild growing non-wood products

This class includes:
- gathering of wild growing materials:
• mushrooms, truffles
• berries
• nuts
• balata and other rubber-like gums
• cork
• lac and resins
• balsams
• vegetable hair
• eelgrass
• acorns, horse chestnuts
• mosses and lichens

This class excludes:
- managed production of any of these products (except growing of cork trees), see division 01
- growing of mushrooms or truffles, see 01.13
- growing of berries or nuts, see 01.25
- gathering of fire wood, see 02.20
- production of wood chips, see 16.10

02.4 Support services to forestry

02.40 Support services to forestry

This class includes carrying out part of the forestry operation on a fee or contract basis.

This class includes:
- forestry service activities:
• forestry inventories
• forest management consulting services
• timber evaluation
• forest fire fighting and protection
• forest pest control
- logging service activities:
• transport of logs within the forest

This class excludes:
- operation of forest tree nurseries, see 02.10
- draining of forestry land, see 43.12
- clearing of building sites, see 43.12


For all queries related to this Chapter or any other aspect of SIC Codes, please contact the Office of National Statistics on 01329 444970 or email