

09 - Mining support service activities

This Chapter has been extracted from the ONS Explanatory Notes and provides a more detailed explanation of possible activities that could fall within the SIC Codes related to the Chapter.

This division includes specialised support services incidental to mining provided on a fee or contract basis. It includes exploration services through traditional prospecting methods such as taking core samples and making geological observations as well as drilling, test-drilling or redrilling for oil wells, metallic and non-metallic minerals. Other typical services cover building oil and gas well foundations, cementing oil and gas well casings, cleaning, bailing and swabbing oil and gas wells, draining and pumping mines, overburden removal services at mines, etc.

09.1 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction

09.10 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction

This class includes:
- oil and gas extraction service activities provided on a fee or contract basis:
• exploration services in connection with petroleum or gas extraction, e.g. traditional prospecting
methods, such as making geological observations at prospective sites
• directional drilling and redrilling; "spudding in"; derrick erection in situ, repairing and dismantling;
cementing oil and gas well casings; pumping of wells; plugging and abandoning wells etc.
• liquefaction and regasification of natural gas for purpose of transport, done at the mine site
• draining and pumping services, on a fee or contract basis
• test drilling in connection with petroleum or gas extraction

This class also includes:
- oil and gas field fire fighting services

This class excludes:
- service activities performed by operators of oil or gas fields, see 06.10, 06.20
- specialised repair of mining machinery, see 33.12
- liquefaction and regasification of natural gas for purpose of transport, done off the mine site, see 52.21
- geophysical, geologic and seismic surveying, see 71.12

09.9 Support activities for other mining and quarrying

09.90 Support activities for other mining and quarrying

This class includes:
- support services on a fee or contract basis, required for mining activities of divisions 05, 07 and 08
• exploration services, e.g. traditional prospecting methods, such as taking core samples and making
geological observations at prospective sites
• draining and pumping services, on a fee or contract basis
• test drilling and test hole boring

This class excludes:
- operating mines or quarries on a contract or fee basis, see division 05, 07 or 08
- specialised repair of mining machinery, see 33.12
- geophysical surveying services, on a contract or fee basis, see 71.12


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