

41 - Construction of buildings

This Chapter has been extracted from the ONS Explanatory Notes and provides a more detailed explanation of possible activities that could fall within the SIC Codes related to the Chapter.

This division includes general construction of buildings of all kinds. It includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection of pre-fabricated buildings or structures on the site and also construction of a temporary nature.

Included is the construction of entire dwellings, office buildings, stores and other public and utility
buildings, farm buildings, etc.

41.1 Development of building projects

41.10 Development of building projects

This class includes:
- development of building projects for residential and non-residential buildings by bringing together
financial, technical and physical means to realise the building projects for later sale

This class excludes:
- construction of buildings, see 41.20
- architectural and engineering activities, see 71.1
- project management services related to building projects, see 71.1

41.2 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings

This group includes the construction of complete residential or non-residential buildings, on own account
for sale or on a fee or contract basis. Outsourcing parts or even the whole construction process is
possible. If only specialised parts of the construction process are carried out, the activity is classified in
division 43.

41.20 Construction of buildings

41.20/1 Construction of commercial buildings

This subclass includes:
- construction of all types of non-residential buildings:
• buildings for industrial production, e.g. factories, workshops, assembly plants etc.
• hospitals, primary, secondary and other schools, office buildings
• hotels, stores, shopping malls, restaurants
• airport buildings
• indoor sports facilities
• parking garages
• warehouses
• religious buildings
• arts, cultural or leisure facilities buildings
- assembly and erection of prefabricated non-residential constructions on the site

This subclass excludes:
- construction of industrial facilities, except buildings, see 42.99
- architectural and engineering activities, see 71.1
- project management for construction, see 71.1

41.20/2 Construction of domestic buildings

This subclass includes:
- construction of all types of residential buildings:
• single-family houses
• multi-family buildings, including high-rise buildings
• housing association and local authority housing

This subclass also includes:
- remodelling or renovating existing residential structures

This subclass excludes:
- architectural and engineering activities, see 71.1
- project management for construction, see 71.1


For all queries related to this Chapter or any other aspect of SIC Codes, please contact the Office of National Statistics on 01329 444970 or email