

93 - Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities

This Chapter has been extracted from the ONS Explanatory Notes and provides a more detailed explanation of possible activities that could fall within the SIC Codes related to the Chapter.

This division includes the provision of recreational, amusement and sports activities (except museum activities, preservation of historical sites, botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserve activities; and gambling and betting activities).

Excluded from this division are dramatic arts, music and other arts and entertainment such as the production of live theatrical presentations, concerts and opera or dance productions and other stage productions, see division 90.

93.1 Sports activities

This group includes the operation of sports facilities; activities of sports teams or clubs primarily participating in live sports events before a paying audience; independent athletes engaged in participating in live sporting or racing events before a paying audience; owners of racing participants such as cars, dogs, horses, etc. primarily engaged in entering them in racing events or other spectator sports events; sports trainers providing specialised services to support participants in sports events or competitions; operators of arenas and stadiums; other activities of organising, promoting or managing sports events, n.e.c.

93.11 Operation of sports facilities

This class includes:
- the operation of facilities for indoor or outdoor sports events (open, closed or covered, with or without spectator seating):
• football, hockey, cricket, rugby stadiums
• racetracks for car, dog, horse races
• swimming pools and stadiums
• track and field stadiums
• winter sports arenas and stadiums
• ice-hockey arenas
• boxing arenas
• golf courses
• bowling lanes
- organisation and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or amateurs by organisations with own facilities

This class includes managing and providing the staff to operate these facilities.

This class excludes:
- operation of ski lifts, see 49.39
- renting of recreation and sports equipment, see 77.21
- activities of fitness facilities, see 93.13
- park and beach activities, see 93.29

93.12 Activities of sport clubs

This class includes the activities of sports clubs, which, whether professional, semi-professional or amateur clubs, give their members the opportunity to engage in sporting activities.

This class includes:
- the operation of sports clubs:
• football clubs
• bowling clubs
• swimming clubs
• golf clubs
• boxing clubs
• winter sports clubs
• chess clubs
• track and field clubs
• shooting clubs, etc.

This class excludes:
- sports instruction by individual teachers, trainers, see 85.51
- operation of sports facilities, see 93.11
- organisation and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or amateurs by sports clubs with their own facilities, see 93.11

93.13 Fitness facilities

This class includes:
- fitness and body-building clubs and facilities

This class excludes:
- sports instruction by individual teachers, trainers, see 85.51

93.19 Other sports activities

93.19/1 Activities of racehorse owners

This subclass includes:
- the seeking of sponsorship, appearance money and prize money

This subclass excludes:
- activities of racing stables, see 93.19/9
- activities of riding academies, see 85.51

93.19/9 Other sports activities (not including activities of racehorse owners) n.e.c.

This subclass includes:
- activities of producers or promoters of sports events, with or without facilities
- activities of individual own-account sportsmen and athletes, referees, judges, timekeepers etc.
- activities of sports leagues and regulating bodies
- activities related to promotion of sporting events
- activities of racing stables, kennels and garages
- operation of sport fishing and hunting preserves
- support activities for sport or recreational hunting and fishing
- activities of mountain guides

This class excludes:
- activities of racehorse owners, see 93.19/1
- renting of sports equipment, see 77.21
- activities of sport and game schools, see 85.51
- activities of sports instructors, teachers, coaches, see 85.51
- activities of riding academies, see 85.51
- organisation and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or amateurs by sports clubs with/without own facilities, see 93.11, 93.12
- park and beach activities, see 93.29

93.2 Amusement and recreation activities

This group includes a wide range of units that operate facilities or provide services to meet the varied recreational interests of their patrons. It includes the operation of a variety of attractions, such as mechanical rides, water rides, games, shows, theme exhibits and picnic grounds. This group excludes sports activities and dramatic arts, music and other arts and entertainment.

93.21 Activities of amusement parks and theme parks

This class includes activities of amusement parks or theme parks. It includes the operation of a variety of attractions, such as mechanical rides, water rides, games, shows, theme exhibits and picnic grounds.

93.29 Other amusement and recreation activities

This class includes activities related to entertainment and recreation (except amusement parks and theme parks) not elsewhere classified:
- operation (exploitation) of coin-operated games
- activities of recreation parks (without accommodation)
- operation of recreational transport facilities, e.g. marinas
- operation of ski hills
- renting of leisure and pleasure equipment as an integral part of recreational facilities
- fairs and shows of a recreational nature
- activities of beaches, including renting of facilities such as bathhouses, lockers, chairs etc.
- operation of dance floors

This class also includes activities of producers or entrepreneurs of live events other than arts or sports events, with or without facilities.

This class excludes:
- operation of telepherics, funiculars, ski and cable lifts, see 49.39
- fishing cruises, see 50.10, 50.30
the provision of space and facilities for short stay by visitors in recreational parks and forests and campgrounds, see 55.30
- trailer parks, recreational camps, hunting and fishing camps, campsites and campgrounds, see 55.30
- beverage serving activities of discotheques, see 56.30
- theatrical and circus groups, see 90.01


For all queries related to this Chapter or any other aspect of SIC Codes, please contact the Office of National Statistics on 01329 444970 or email