59 - Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities

This Chapter has been extracted from the ONS Explanatory Notes and provides a more detailed explanation of possible activities that could fall within the SIC Codes related to the Chapter.

This division includes production of theatrical and non-theatrical motion pictures whether on film, video tape or disc for direct projection in theatres or for broadcasting on television; supporting activities such as film editing, cutting, dubbing etc.; distribution of motion pictures and other film productions to other industries; as well as motion picture or other film productions projection. Buying and selling of motion picture or other film productions distribution rights is also included.

This division also includes sound recording activities, i.e. production of original sound master recordings, releasing, promoting and distributing them, publishing of music as well as sound recording service activities in a studio or elsewhere.

59.1 Motion picture, video and television programme activities

This group includes production of theatrical and non-theatrical motion pictures whether on film, video tape, DVD or other media, including digital distribution, for direct projection in theatres or for broadcasting on television; supporting activities such as film editing, cutting, dubbing etc.; distribution of motion pictures or other film productions (video tapes, DVDs, etc) to other industries; as well as their projection.

Buying and selling of motion picture or any other film production distribution rights is also included.

59.11 Motion picture, video and television programme production activities

59.11/1 Motion picture production activities

This subclass includes:
- production of motion pictures

This subclass excludes:
- film duplicating (except reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution) from master copies, see 18.20
- post-production activities, see 59.12
- sound recording and recording of books on tape, see 59.20
- film processing other than for the motion picture industry, see 74.20
- activities of personal theatrical or artistic agents or agencies, see 74.90
- activities of own account actors, cartoonists, directors, stage designers and technical specialists, see

59.11/2 Video production activities

This subclass includes:
- production of videos

This subclass excludes:
- audio and video tape, CD or DVD reproduction from master copies, see 18.20
- wholesale of recorded video tapes, CD-s, DVD-s, see 46.43
- wholesale of blank video tapes, CD-s, see 46.52
- retail trade of video tapes, CD-s, DVD-s, see 47.63
- renting of video tapes, DVD-s to the general public, see 77.22
- post-production activities, see 59.12
- sound recording and recording of books on tape, see 59.20
- activities of personal theatrical or artistic agents or agencies, see 74.90
- activities of own account actors, cartoonists, directors, stage designers and technical specialists, see

59.11/3 Television programme production activities

This subclass includes:
- production of television programmes (televisions series,
documentaries etc.), or television advertisements.

This subclass excludes:
- post-production activities, see 59.12
- sound recording and recording of books on tape, see 59.20
- television broadcasting, see 60.2
- creating a complete television channel programme, see 60.2
- activities of personal theatrical or artistic agents or agencies, see 74.90
- activities of own account actors, cartoonists, directors, stage designers and technical specialists, see
- real-time (i.e. simultaneous) closed captioning of live television performances of meetings,
conferences, see 82.99

59.12 Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities

This class includes post-production activities such as editing, film/tape transfers, titling, subtitling, credits, closed captioning, computer-produced graphics, animation and special effects, developing and processing motion picture film, as well as activities of motion picture film laboratories and activities of special laboratories for animated films.

This subclass also includes:
- the activities of stock footage film libraries, etc.

This class excludes:
- film duplicating (except reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution) as well as audio
and video tape, CD or DVD reproduction from master copies, see 18.20
- wholesale of recorded video tapes, CD-s, DVD-s, see 46.43
- wholesale of blank video tapes, CD-s, see 46.52
- retail trade of video tapes, CD-s, DVD-s, see 47.63
- film processing other than for the motion picture industry, see 74.20
- renting of video tapes, DVD-s to the general public, see 77.22
- activities of own account actors, cartoonists, directors, stage designers and technical specialists, see

59.13 Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities

59.13/1 Motion picture distribution activities

This subclass includes:
- distributing film to motion picture theatres, television networks and stations, and exhibitors.  

This subclass also includes:
- acquiring film distribution rights

This subclass excludes:
- film duplicating from master copies, see 18.20

59.13/2 Video distribution activities

This subclass includes:
-distributing video tapes, DVD-s and similar productions to motion picture theatres, television networks and stations, and exhibitors

This subclass also includes:
- acquiring video tape and DVD distribution rights

This sub class excludes:
- audio and video tape, CD or DVD reproduction from master copies, see 18.20
- wholesale of recorded video tapes and DVDs, see 46.43
- retail sale of recorded video tapes and DVDs, see 47.63

59.13/3 Television programme distribution activities

This subclass includes:
-distributing television programmes to television networks and stations, and exhibitors

This subclass also includes:
-acquiring television distribution rights

59.14 Motion picture projection activities

This class includes:
- activities of motion picture or video tape projection in cinemas, in the open air or in other projection facilities.
- activities of cine-clubs.

59.2 Sound recording and music publishing activities

59.20 Sound recording and music publishing activities

This class includes the activities of production of original (sound) master recordings, such as tapes, CD-s; releasing, promoting and distributing sound recordings to wholesalers, retailers or directly to the public. These activities might be integrated or not with the production of master recordings in the same unit. If not, the unit exercising these activities has to obtain the reproduction and distribution rights to master ecordings. This class also includes sound recording service activities in a studio or elsewhere, including
the production of taped ( i.e. non-live) radio programming.

This class also includes the activities of music publishing, i.e. activities of acquiring and registering copyrights for musical compositions, promoting, authorising and using these compositions in recordings, radio, television, motion pictures, live performances, print and other media. Units engaged in these activities may own the copyright or act as administrator of the music copyrights on behalf of the copyright owners. Publishing of music and sheet books is included here.


For all queries related to this Chapter or any other aspect of SIC Codes, please contact the Office of National Statistics on 01329 444970 or email classifications.helpdesk@ons.gov.uk.