71 - Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis

This Chapter has been extracted from the ONS Explanatory Notes and provides a more detailed explanation of possible activities that could fall within the SIC Codes related to the Chapter.

This division includes the provision of architectural services, engineering services, drafting services, building inspection services and surveying and mapping services. It also includes the performance of physical, chemical, and other analytical testing services.

71.1 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy

This group includes the provision of architectural services, engineering services, drafting services, building inspection services and surveying and mapping services and the like.

71.11 Architectural activities

71.11/1 Architectural activities

This subclass includes:
- architectural consulting activities:
· building design and drafting
• supervision of construction

This class excludes:
- activities of computer consultants, see 62.02, 62.09
- interior decorating, see 74.10

71.11/2 Urban planning and landscape architectural activities

This subclass includes:
- town and city planning and landscape architecture

71.12 Engineering activities and related technical consultancy

71.12/1 Engineering design activities for industrial process and production

This subclass comprises engineering design (i.e. applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes and systems) for industrial process and production. It includes:
- drawing up of preliminary drafts, project development, specification of plans of execution or exact specifications on behalf of the contracting authority for the construction of industrial process and production

This subclass excludes:
- industrial design, see 74.10

71.12/2 Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities

This subclass comprises the provision of surveying and mapping services and the like. It includes:
- geophysical, geologic and seismic surveying
- geological and prospecting activities:
· surface measurements and observations designed to yield information on sub-surface structure and the location  of petroleum, natural gas and mineral deposits and of ground water
- geodetic surveying activities:
· land and boundary surveying activities
· hydrologic surveying activities
· subsurface surveying activities
• cartographic and spatial information activities

This subclass excludes:
- test drilling in connection with mining operations, see 09.10, 09.90
- development or publishing of associated software, see 58.29, 62.01
- activities of computer consultants, see 62.02, 62.09
- technical testing, see 71.20
- research and development activities related to engineering, see 72.1
- aerial photography, see 74.20

71.12/9 Other engineering activities (not including engineering design for industrial process and production or engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities)

This subclass comprises the provision of architectural engineering services, drafting services, building inspection services and surveying and mapping services and the like. It includes:
- engineering design (i.e. applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes and systems) and consulting activities for:
· projects involving civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, traffic engineering
· projects elaboration and realisation relative to electrical and electronic engineering, mining engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical, industrial and systems engineering, safety engineering
· water management projects
- elaboration of projects using air conditioning, refrigeration, sanitary and pollution control engineering, acoustical engineering etc.
- machinery and industrial plan design, other than for industrial process and production

This subclass also includes:
- integrated engineering activities for turnkey projects

This subclass excludes:
- engineering design activities for industrial process and production, see 71.12/1

71.2 Technical testing and analysis

71.20 Technical testing and analysis

This class includes the performance of physical, chemical and other analytical testing of all types of materials and products, including:
· acoustics and vibration testing
· testing of composition and purity of minerals etc.
· testing activities in the field of food hygiene, including veterinary testing and control in relation to food production
· testing of physical characteristics and performance of materials, such as strength, thickness, durability, radioactivity etc.
· qualification and reliability testing
· performance testing of complete machinery: motors, automobiles, electronic equipment etc.
· radiographic testing of welds and joints
· failure analysis
· testing and measuring of environmental indicators: air and water pollution etc.
- certification of products, including consumer goods, motor vehicles, aircraft, pressurised containers, nuclear plants etc.
- periodic road-safety testing of motor vehicles
- testing with use of models or mock-ups (e.g. of aircraft, ships, dams etc.)
- operation of police laboratories

This class excludes:
- testing of animal specimens, see 75.00
- diagnostic imaging, testing and analysis of medical and dental specimens, see 86



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