88 - Social work activities without accommodation

This Chapter has been extracted from the ONS Explanatory Notes and provides a more detailed explanation of possible activities that could fall within the SIC Codes related to the Chapter.

This division includes the provision of a variety of social assistance services directly to clients. The activities in this division do not include accommodation services, except on a temporary basis.

88.1 Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled

88.10 Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled

This class includes:
- social, counselling, welfare, referral and similar services which are aimed at the elderly and disabled in their homes or elsewhere and carried out by government offices or by private organisations, national or local self-help organisations and by specialists providing counselling services:
• visiting of the elderly and disabled
• day-care activities for the elderly or for disabled adults
• vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities for disabled persons provided that the education component is limited

This class excludes:
- funding and administration of compulsory social security programmes, see 84.30
- activities similar to those described in this class, but including accommodation, see 87.30
- day-care activities for disabled children, see 88.91

88.9 Other social work activities without accommodation

88.91 Child day-care activities

This class includes also:
- activities of day nurseries for pupils, including day-care activities for disabled children

88.99 Other social work activities without accommodation

This class includes:
- social, counselling, welfare, refugee, referral and similar services which are delivered to individuals and families in their homes or elsewhere and carried out by government offices or by private organisations,disaster relief organisations and national or local self-help organisations and by specialists providing counselling services:
• welfare and guidance activities for children and adolescents
• adoption activities, activities for the prevention of cruelty to children and others
• household budget counselling, marriage and family guidance, credit and debt counselling services
• community and neighbourhood activities
• activities for disaster victims, refugees, immigrants etc., including temporary or extended shelter for them
• vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities for unemployed persons provided that the education component is limited
• eligibility determination in connection with welfare aid, rent supplements or food stamps
• day facilities for the homeless and other socially weak groups
• charitable activities like fund-raising or other supporting activities aimed at social work

This class excludes:
- funding and administration of compulsory social security programmes, see 84.30
- activities similar to those described in this class, but including accommodation, see 87.90


For all queries related to this Chapter or any other aspect of SIC Codes, please contact the Office of National Statistics on 01329 444970 or email classifications.helpdesk@ons.gov.uk.